Thursday, 27 November 2008

Research by creating Buyer Personas

Top business advice from David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR.

I really like this guys approach - watch below as he talks about why you need to clearly identify your customers.

When you are developing a sales website or any kind of business/marketing publication, it’s important to clearly identify who is going to be buying from you.  What a many web entrepreneurs do not realise is the importance of doing this before creating the content. Meerman Scott gives business marketing advice on how to clearly define your customers and what he calls their ‘buyer personas’.

With buyer personas defined, it is far easier to understand the problems that they have, and therefore to create content that appeals to them, and is in their words. In this show he tells  you how to use buyer persona research to gain vital information about them, and how to then use this wealth of information to create compelling content.

I will post more of David Meerman Scotts insights over the coming months...

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